- House-S
- 所在地
- 北海道札幌市
- 竣工年
- 2015年
- 用途
- 住居
- 構造規模
- 木造地上2階建
- 敷地面積
- 231.41㎡
- 建築面積
- 103.68㎡
- 延床面積
- 114.21㎡
- 写真
- 山内圭吉
- 夫婦2人が老後を過ごす「終の住処」
- 札幌市内に建つ小さな住宅。
敷地は交通量の多い国道から小路を少し入った中にある。 前面道路は袋小路状になっていて、そのせいか周辺には地域のコミュニティーが未だ強く残る閑静な住宅地である。
クライアントは家族と共に長くこの地に居を構え住んできたが、子供が独立し夫婦2人が老後を過ごす質素な「終の住処」を建てることとなり、 元の住居の西隣にある、かつて母の家として使われていた空家を建て替えることになった。
- Location
- Completion year
- Sapporo, Hokkaido, Japan
- Type
- House
- Structures
- Wood
- Site area
- 231.41 sqm
- Building area
- 103.68 sqm
- Area
- 114.21 sqm
- Photographs
- Keikichi Yamauchi
A small house in Sapporo City, Hokkaido.
The site is located a little away from a busy, national highway. The narrow street on the front side of the site is a dead-end, which may have contributed to maintaining a rather strong local community in the quiet neighborhood residential area up until today.
There is a large opening on the east side, facing the yard, which will be worked on in the future and serves as a space for communicating with their son’s family, who live in their previous house.
The original plan was a one-story house that took into consideration the time when they would get old. However, with their request to see the entire interior space from the bedroom, the bedroom floor was elevated to a half floor height, resulting in a split-level home with two levels. In order to always feel each other’s presence, each space is arranged in one open box. The living and dining room, the center of daily life, is lit with natural light from every direction by utilizing the gap made by the split level section.
The clients had lived there with their family for a long time. When their child had married, they decided to build a simple retirement home to spend their golden years by replacing the vacant house located on the west side of their previous house, which used to be their mother’s.